DFSS Deployment for Redesign of New Product/Process

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Alarge multinational organization in the field of household insecticides and air care products.Introduce the DFSS methodology and integration with the existing lean Six sigma initiative

Understanding of design methodologies and New product development process ; knowledge of which DFSS technique can be applied at each stage of the development life cycle and how to do it in practice.

DFSS deployment for Redesign of new product / process


A large multinational organization in the field of household insecticides and air care products.

  1. Redesign of electrical mosquito repellant.
  2. Redesign of low smoke coil.

DMADV approach for redesign.

Activities :

DMADV approach for redesign

  • Introduce the DFSS methodology to New product/process development.
  • Deployment of training to the cross-function team consisting of R&D, Mfg., Marketing, and Purchase.
  • Organizational Structure and project funnel development.
Results and Financial Returns:
  • Innovation in design.
  • Increased Reliability Improvement in manufacturability and reliability of the design.
  • Overall cost reduction in Manufacturing and assembly to the tune of $1,750,000 per annum in Electrical refill machine.
  • Operating profit margin increase in low smoke coil from 28% to 42%.
What Makes This a “Lean Six Sigma” Project?
  • Customer-driven projects and Disciplined and structured DFSS training program for Manufacturing.
  • Overall DFSS strategy and its integration with the continual quality improvement strategy of the company.

The Lean Six sigma toolkit:

Usability Surveys, Value stream mapping, Goal Question Metric,Quality Function Deployment (QFD),Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), VOC analysis and requirements engineering techniques,PUGH matrix testing, Cause and Effect analysis (Ishikawa),Multiple DFSS tools at development stage depending on the nature and complexity of the problem) including: DOE, Taguchi,RSM, Mixture designs, Simulation, Sampling methods, Reliability engineering, Reliability Modeling, TRIZ, Lateral thinking techniques, advanced statistical tools

How did we engage people and drive change?

Formal Training on DFSS i.e. DMADV approach Workshops & workshop techniques, training and education, hands-on mentoring and coaching. Demonstrated the importance of a cross functional and customer centric approach to Design development.

Gazelles added value:

Understanding of design methodologies and New product development process ; knowledge of which DFSS technique can be applied at each stage of the development life cycle and how to do it in practice.

What is Gazelles strength?

Emphasizing the importance of separating functional and critical to customer aspects from aesthetics.
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